Running at Night

2019-12-17 Frank

For many, running is a highly therapeutic activity. After all, the term “runner’s high” was coined for a reason! The neurobiological euphoric Reflective Safety Vest for Night Runningreaction that runners experience is something they strive for, along with physical and mental well-being. Runners go out at different times of day, depending on their work-life schedules, whether they are a morning or night person, the area they live in, amongst other factors. Those who are night owls may prefer the cool evenings and moon’s light, or perhaps use running as a means to alleviate the stresses of the day and prepare for  bed. One caveat does come with running at night. One can be easily spotted during the day; however, once the sun goes down, the risk of low visibility increases. This can be problematic in heavily populated areas near busy roads. Wearing a reflective safety vest at night is a simple way to eliminate some of the risk of not being seen. Couple that vest with fluorescent or bright, easily seen clothing as well as sneakers with reflective material, and you’ll be hard to miss! Even a daytime runner could benefit from the vest in a busy area. No matter when you run, stay safe, and feel that burn!